A look at one of the challenging questions of our time in the western world. We are living beyond the planet’s means to support us, according to the ecological footprint model developed by Wackernagel and Rees we would need roughly four and a half planets if everyone lived like Canadians (Wackernagel & Rees, 1996) . I am going to research one question that I think is important in this, “If all I have is all I need then why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ? I will use autoethnography to reflect on interviews and a survey and tell stories on a blog about my journey to discover “why is all I ever want is more?” I want to use what I learn about myself to engage others through social awareness leading to action on reducing footprints (ecological and carbon) while maintaining the wow, what a ride feeling.
Introduction - My Story (or at least parts of it)
“I'm one in a million. One in a million, one in a million” (The Watchmen, 1988) . Born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, population approximately one million, so literally I really am ONE in a million! Life has been a fabulous ride so far; full of adventure, sport, excitement, academics, parties, friendships, family, the endless pursuit of nearly everything, somewhat environmentally conscientious, romance, dare I say love and an incredible amount of fun! It is likely the irony of my continuous pursuit of more; coupled with a timely bike ride and environmentally conscious upbringing that has left me asking myself “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ?
I am formally educated in environmental engineering. This alone does not make you an environmentalist; many grads took jobs in oil, uranium and mining fields. Also the issue of awareness leading to action is important. Awareness alone does not seem to be leading people to action. Think about starving children on the television, what action do we take when we see this? Also demonstrated throughout Mackenzie- Mohr and Smith’s research in their book Community Based Social Marketing on people’s behaviour not adding up to their alleged environmental values (Mackenzie-Mohr & Smith, 1999) . I notice this behaviour in myself, as I learn more about global warming possibly the most significant issue of our time, I find myself trapped still wanting more travel (some by airplane) and more stuff to do the things I enjoy. This feels like a bit of a catch, the more I travel the more my passion increases for the great outdoors and for global social and environmental issues while at the same time this travel is very likely causing more harm (global warming) than good. Recently I have taken on a co-leader role with Roadmonkey (Von Zielbauer, 2008) . Roadmonkey combines adventure, travel and philanthropy, it sounds absolutely perfect for me! However, is this really a fair balance of more travel while balancing social and environmental concerns that I am aware of?
I gained respect and knowledge about the environment through my parent’s promotion of gardening, composting, recycling, bicycling, frugalness and supper time environmental and ethics discussions. Coupled with a bike ride across Canada to bring out the passion and our somewhat different than norm taste in authors David Suzuki, Rachel Carson, William McDonough, George Monbiot, Tim Flannery, Anne Leonard, Richard Heinberg, Ronald Wright, Thomas Homer Dixon, Yvon Choinard and Dr. Seuss. I feel like Fred Flintstone with a good and bad conscience directed by my parents and what I have read and counter balanced with the incessant wanting more (You Tube) . In his book Heat, George Monbiot argues that in order to avoid catastrophic climate change the world needs to stop flying for love and fun (Monbiot, 2007) . “It is wrong not to go to your best friend’s wedding in Cape Town and it is also wrong to go”, when considering climate morals (Monbiot Argument) (Monbiot, 2007) . This has been the conscience in my ear every time I travel along with my parents reminding me about it. Monbiot argues that to achieve a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 all the technology is available in every industry except long distance high speed travel (Monbiot, 2006) . “Climate change requires a reorientation of our moral compass” (Monbiot, 2006) . So knowing what I have been told and what feels intuitively true, to my one hundred percent intuitive (Meyers Briggs Intuitives) (Wikibooks, 2006) and ENFP (Meyers Briggs ENFP) (BSM Consulting, 2010) score according to my Meyers Briggs, how can I continue to fly for love and fun?
My grandma to this day still has every item, bag, box, container and thing that she has owned. She has three refrigerators, two freezers and a walk in cold room for saving leftovers with tiny labels ‘soup broth 1980’ and to purchase and store things when they’re on sale. If Regina ever shuts down grocery and retail due to severe weather it will be straight to grandmas for me! Without realizing it this has undoubtedly shaped me. I value and respect grandma’s frugal ways that come from a time of in-excess that would barely be recognizable to me and most of my generation. I am not saying I want to go back to the great depression years but having more durable products that last longer and are carefully considered before purchasing would go a long way. What questions should I be asking myself before I make a purchase and before I throw an item away?
For as long as I can remember fall has been a time of harvesting and preserving in our household. I believe I have taken an even greater interest in recent years and that our ability to grow and preserve our own food has been increasing annually. September and October are full of berry picking, tomato ripening, making salsa’s and sauces, jarring whole tomatoes, pickles, relish, pickled beets and preparing and freezing gallons of borscht. I have to admit that I have come to really enjoy this family tradition.
I graduated from the University of Regina Environmental Systems Engineering with distinction. I never started down that path though. Initially I was enrolled in Petroleum Systems Engineering, my dad works at the Coop Refinery, and this seemed like a natural choice. Thankfully on my first engineering workterm I worked across the hall from Roger who owned a tandem bicycle and offered just the right amount of encouragement, and the bike, for my girlfriend and I to spend four months the next summer tandem bicycling across Canada. I think my exact words were, “Wow, what a ride!” I came away with a different point of view of this vast and beautiful country I get to call home. I changed tracks and graduated Environmental Systems Engineering from the University of Regina with distinction.
University for me was a time of many friends, disciplined study combined with sometimes reckless partying all undertaken under a budget. Many of us reflect back on our University years as a truly happy time and I am not an exception. Bill McKibben hypothesizes one of the reasons for this is the sense of community living that occurs during those years (McKibben, 2007) . During this time we are interdependent on each other for assignment and moral support, there are shoulders to cry on, arms to balance when falling and hands to pick you up. McKibben suggests this sense of community and interdependence on each other has been lost in today’s western society (McKibben, 2007)
Sport has been an instrumental part of my life for as long as I can remember. Still one of dad’s favourite things is hockey, watching and especially playing! I grew up playing everything and mom was running us everywhere all the time, we were always on the go, on the run, out the door and fifteen minutes late. Hockey, golf, soccer, baseball, badminton, squash, skiing downhill and cross-country, tennis, biking, swimming, running, triathlon and most recently kiteboarding (Lucas, 2009) , long boarding and sailing. “Wow, what a ride!” Mom was there throughout running my sister and I in two directions at once. This insatiable appetite for sport all the time has continued to grow in me and still consumes much of my free time and income to this day.
Without a doubt I have the greatest network of friends anywhere. My friends have taken me from badminton to squash to triathlon to kite boarding, mountain biking and longboarding. Along this journey I have traded in shoes and racquets for boards, bikes and kites and based on the shear amount of fun these pursuits are I don’t see a change any time soon. One friend reminds me “you only live once.” That simple statement holds so much power. For someone who fears boredom and dying, “you only live once” means life in the vast lane, experience as much as you can, live for the moment and not worry about tomorrow. This paradigm is causing social and environmental problems and is difficult to change.
So many factors contribute to me always wanting more, this is by no means an exhaustive list just some of the areas that I will explore and add to throughout my research.
The problem / area of interest
The upbringing I have had has become normal; normal in the sense that many Canadians are living beyond the Earth’s ability to sustain us. Even with my somewhat frugal upbringing we had 2-4 TV’s, 4 vehicles one for each of us, 1,600 square foot home (that has had energy upgrades in the last five years), this includes 10,000 km + vehicle transportation each, 400 + sq. ft of living space per person, new stuff as required to fill my appetite for the next new sport, meat with most every meal, a reliance on packaged and processed foods from afar (although we are a little better in this area than most), disposable goods and the list goes on. Keep in mind I was brought up and educated thinking about environmental stuff and I have made a conscious effort to reduce my environmental footprint. Where has that got me? Somewhere between two and three planets according to the Rees and Wackernagel footprint tool (Sutter, 2005) . The Canadian average is 4.5 planets (Wackernagel & Rees, 1996) . Compare this further to the No Impact Man (Beavan, 2007) project where I am certain the Beavan family was treading extremely lightly on the earth and most certainly if we all lived like that we would require less than 1 planet! A great goal!!
So if I have everything that I need: plenty of food, great friends and family, a loving relationship, my country is safe and just (with the exception of the recent G8-G20 meetings in Toronto), a good job, time and resources for recreation, clean air, clothes on my back and a roof over my head. And I recognize the problems with over consumption that using more than our fair share of the earth is taking away from others in poorer countries and from future generations. I am left with this question “if all I have is all I need than why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) . This question is troubling me; I believe it is a fundamental question for the developed world to start asking ourselves.
Why is this question important and how is it related to sustainability?
We only have one planet, it is our life support or ‘home tree’ as the Naavi in Avatar would say. Many are finding troubling signs that we are living well beyond the planets means to support us. A few tell tale reports are included below.
· The climate scientists are saying (IPCC) that the world is warming at an unprecedented rate and that it is very likely due to man-made greenhouse gas emissions. This will have adverse impacts on water, ecosystems, food, coasts and human health. The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Summary for Policy Makers (International Panel on Climate Change, 2008) .
· Another potentially gloomier and easier to follow take on climate change: Wake Up Freak Out Then Get a Grip (Murray)
· North Americans are consuming far more than our grandparents (4 X) and up to twenty times more than a person from India (Adbusters) (Adbusters, 2008) .
· The Ecological Foot printer’s are saying – 4.5 planets if we all live like Canadians (Wackernagel & Rees, 1996)
“Cut and move on
Cut and move on
Take out trees
Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day
Take out people who've lived with this for 100,000 years -
Inject a billion burgers worth of beef -
Grain eaters - methane dispensers.”
Cut and move on
Take out trees
Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day
Take out people who've lived with this for 100,000 years -
Inject a billion burgers worth of beef -
Grain eaters - methane dispensers.”
“All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store”
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store”
· A devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico…
· Major motion pictures Avatar and Wall-E trying to reach minds of all ages and ask, “what are we doing to our planet and ourselves”.
· Over consumption of stuff, less consumption of life is not making us happier and definitely not making us better stewards of the Earth, our home tree. (McKibben, 2007)
All leading me back to the question: “if all I have is all I need than why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ?
Research Question
Using myself as the subject of study I will conduct research around the question “If all I have is all I need than why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ?
Research Hypothesis
I am driven toward wanting more by my value system which has been created through my social context and upbringing. This includes things like my friends, job, family, relationships and who I am (Personality – Enneagram #7 (Enneagram Institute) and Meyers Briggs ENFP) (BSM Consulting, 2010) , how much money I make and who I see myself as. This is also affected by my difficulty in distinguishing between my wants and my needs.
I am also driven toward wanting more by external factors including the society I live in (marketing and advertising, pressure to keep up and be like the Joneses) . It seems it has become normal and desired in our culture to always want more. Not wanting a bigger house, faster/newer cars, more travel and fancier clothing is not normal in the Western world.
Research Objective
I want to use what I learn about myself to engage others through social awareness leading to action on reducing footprints (ecological and carbon) while maintaining the wow, what a ride feeling. I would like to determine what drives me to always want more? I will communicate my research and findings surrounding the research question “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) on a blog. Through this communication, writing and reflection I hope to generate ideas for me, moving from awareness to action on reducing my constant need for more in a manner that is sustainable for me. I hope this research will engage others to consider their own wants and take action on reducing them. Similar to the women’s movement “the personal is political (Napikoski, 2010) ”, I hope as we have seen with popular media (Avatar and Wall-E) and many other individuals (No Impact Man (Beavan, 2007) and The Clean Bin Project (Videography, 2009) starting to take to the news and internet to share their stories that each of us can make a personal statement and make a difference.
· My Ecological Footprint throughout the two year period, every three months.
· My Carbon Footprint throughout the two year period, every three months.
· Qualitative analysis throughout the two year study period on the blog.
Significance of the proposed research
I believe that learning what makes one individual tick (make decisions) can offer valuable insight into what makes others tick. Recognizing that we only have one planet and we are living beyond its means to support us. How can I, considering my background and knowledge, use social awareness leading to action on reducing my insatiable desire for more and engage others to try the same leading to a better place for everyone.
The marshmallow study (You Tube (Marshmallow Study)) . As teenagers and adults marshmallow gobblers were found to have more behavioural problems, shorter attention spans, found it harder to make friends, weight problems and drug issues. Marshmallow savers averaged 210 points higher on their SAT scores (Tuplin, 2010) . Can asking myself “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) , contribute to controlling my own desires and take others along for the ride?
The motivation study (Pink) . Determining what drives me will help me realize what I am working towards and what really matters to me. I will share my pursuit of what drives me with readers of the blog in the hope to engage others on finding what drives them. Imagine the benefits of me being driven to work on things that really mattered and made a large positive impact on society. Imagine the benefits of engaging others to do the same…
Managing Without Growth (Victor, 2009) based on the book by Peter Victor. A theory on how we could have “full employment, no poverty, protect the environment, maintain fiscal balance all without economic growth” (Victor, Yahoo Video, 2009) . Can my research contribute to this; can I manage myself without growth and the continuous pursuit of more?
How can I read more, practice more Yoga, cook my meals slowly, garden more, ride my bike and longboard everywhere, consume less and still enjoy life to the fullest? I want to learn about myself. How I have come to be this way and what are my options for escaping the endless pursuit of more. In the end I hope to have a better understanding of what makes me tick and the social circumstances that keep me operating the way I do.
How my story will unfold – Justifying the methodology and data gathering methods in relation to the research problem
I will use autoethnography in the form of a blog to conduct and tell my research story. The blog will be my thesis. I will conduct research on the subject, myself, in an effort to learn about what drives me to want more? I will encourage feedback and post questions for myself and others to comment on. I will use video, song, quotations and writing throughout the blog. I will capture and share thoughts from three groups of interviewee’s on the subject of why more using an interview guide. I want to look at our way of life, more specifically my way of life and try to answer “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ?
I want to have dialogue with people that have been successful in living simpler, happier lives and with people at the opposite end of the spectrum. I will use my friends, family and social networks as well as a ‘snowball’ approach to find individuals that have been successful in reducing their incessant want for more and those on the opposite end of the spectrum based on feedback from interviewee’s. I will conduct a literature review on existing material on consumer culture, excess, affluence and the endless pursuit of more in the Western world.
Ethnography and Autoethnography
Ethnography is the study of the ways of life of human beings (Penn Anthropology, 1999) . “Ethnographic questions generally concern the link between culture and behavior and/or how cultural processes develop over time” (Penn Anthropology, 1999) . Ethnography becomes autoethnography when the subject is I. Further defined by Carolyn Ellis as “research, writing, story, and method that connect the autobiographical and personal to the cultural, social and political” (2004, xix). The forms it takes include “concrete action, emotion, embodiment, self-consciousness and intro-spection portrayed in dialogue, scenes, characterization and plot” (Ellis, 2004) . Throughout my research I will ask myself the difficult question “if all I have is all I need then why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ? I will reflect and tell stories about my life experiences, discussions, interviews and my social surroundings.
The reason for autoethnography is described by Carolyn Ellis, “our understanding of others can only proceed from within our own experience, and this experience involves our history” (Ellis, 2004, p. 123) .
Reasons for using autoethnography and blogging:
· I am absorbed in the topic, this is critical for autoethnography. Because of my background, what I know (or think I know) about environmental issues coupled with the way I live my life and how I want to live my life (according to my ideals and values) makes me an ideal candidate for this research. I want to see a transformation in my own way of thinking about “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) and if I engage others along the way all the better.
· Blogging allows the opportunity to use multimedia (video, electronic art, photographs and music) to research and tell my story.
· Blogging engages the target audience, the part of the world where we have enough, in fact more than enough and where this endless pursuit of more is not necessarily making our lives better.
· It will be very difficult to reduce my biases surrounding “why more” let alone trying to remove bias from interviewing or surveying people. Many would likely report things to make them look good (ie. I don’t want more, I have a small ecological footprint already) and it would be difficult to qualify these statements.
· Allows me to focus on my own self awareness leading to action. An office mate often says to me, “Curtis, the only person you can change is YOU” (Jattansingh, 2009)! Now I don’t agree with that because we know that government policy can cause change in the masses, however for the purpose of this research I am going to look at me.
Literature Review
I will conduct a broad literature review surrounding the broad topic of “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ? I will incorporate this literature into the blog and interviews, reflect and tell stories about it and how I relate to it. I will gain an understanding of how to control my desires and on how to live with a smaller footprint on the planet.
Interviews – how to select, who to select and why?
I am going to conduct in-depth interviews (Dialogue, 2007) with three groups of people. The groups include: Group 1: Expertise in living happier simpler lives; Group 2: Family, friends and social networks; Group 3: Opposite end of the spectrum. I am choosing in-depth interviews for their ability to dive into philosophical and abstract thoughts and feelings that people may have regarding the topic “why more?” I want to have flexibility to let the interviewee take me where they want to take me during the interview. I want to discover their feelings and to hear stories about what causes us to always want more. For example a coworker recently shared with me the time in the mall when she purchased two soccer balls attached to a rope that attached around the foot. This was interesting considering she had never played soccer and had no intention of playing soccer. What causes us to make these seemingly irrational decisions…
I will initially select 10 candidates from each group of interviewee’s from that group I will use the snowball approach (Routi, 2007) to determine future interviews. The snowball approach will allow the research to go in a direction determined by the first group of interviewees. This will help remove bias from the initial selection. Interviews will be conducted in person or via telephone or Skype based on convenience.
Questionnaire on Blog and Facebook survey
I will develop a questionnaire that can also be conducted as a Facebook survey. The questionnaire will revolve around the theme “why is all I ever want is more” (Michel, 1999) ? The questionnaire/survey will be based on the in-depth interview guide where respondents are encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings on topics and not simply yes and no answers. I will reflect and tell stories about the feedback from the questionnaire/survey on the blog.
Potential limitations and bias in the research
There could be bias in the interviewee’s based on the ‘snowball sampling approach’ it may seem like only experts or specialists are being sampled based on this approach. This is why I have chosen three groups: expertise, friends/family/networks, and those on the opposite end of the spectrum to conduct interviews. Other questions that may be asked of the research: How can I as the subject of study truly be unbiased in the approach to my research? How can I truly research myself and demonstrate a change in thinking has occurred within me? How can I demonstrate that anyone else reading and participating has changed or improved their footprint?
Workplan – project timeline
Goal | Objective | Timeline |
Start Blogging and Tweeting | Topics: · Based on literature review · My lived experiences · Questions to ask readers based on questionnaire · Reflection on interviews and shared stories · Survey/questionnaire results · Popular media, culture, song, video and current events | Begin in July 2010 |
Continue Literature Review | Topics: · Wants and needs · Effect of advertising · Wealth, health and happiness · Living simpler with a smaller ecological footprint · Consumer culture · Who am I (personality), what drives me | Continue July 2010 |
Develop questionnaire/survey and Interview Guide | Develop a questionnaire/survey surrounding the theme of “why is all I ever want is more” Develop an in-depth interview guide. | Complete both in October 2010 |
Get ethical approval | Create form to be used throughout for all interviewee’s and survey/questionnaire participants | September 2010 and ongoing throughout |
Create list of in-depth interview candidates from each category | Category 1: Expertise (select 10 and get approval) Category 2: Friends, family, networks (select 20 and get approval) Category 3: Opposite end of the spectrum (select 10 and get approval) | October 2010 |
Start Facebook survey and questionnaire on blog | Start and conduct the survey and blog questionnaire | October 2010 – March 2012 |
Analyze Facebook survey and questionnaire on blog | Discuss the incoming results of the survey and questionnaire monthly on the blog. | November 2010 – April 2012 |
Start conducting interviews of all 3 groups, reflect and blog on the results as they are obtained | | November 2010 |
Summary blog | Summarize the research for myself, my readers and contributors. | April 2012 |
Annotated Bibliography
Dale, A. (2001). At The Edge: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century. Vancouver Canada: UBC Press.
If I am asking myself to look at how to live more sustainably I should really define what that means in the 21st Century.
Ellis, C. (2004). The ethnographic I: a methodological novel about autoethnography. Oxford, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littleford Publishers Inc.
Having the engineering background, qualitative analysis and especially autoethnography is like a foreign language, I think this book will serve me well.
Kingwell, M. (1998). Better Living: In pursuit of happiness from Plato to Prozac. Toronto, Canada: Penguin Group.
I hope to learn about the philosophy of happiness.
McKibben, B. (2007). Deep Economy - The wealth of communities and the durable future. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
Gold mine of information on the pursuit of more not necessarily serving us as better.
New American Dream. (n.d.). New Dream. Retrieved July 2010, from New American Dream: http://www.newdream.org/
Meet people that are living a different American Dream. Potential interview candidates.
Adbusters. (2008, April 1). Adbusters. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from Buy Nothing Day: https://www.adbusters.org/abtv/buy_nothing_day_pig.html
Beatles, T. Can't Buy Me Love. Red Album. 1982.
Beavan, C. (2007). No Impact Man Project Blog. Retrieved July 2010, from No Impact Man: http://noimpactman.typepad.com/
BSM Consulting. (2010). Portrait of an ENFP. Retrieved July 11, 2010 , from Portrait of an ENFP: http://www.personalitypage.com/ENFP.html
Cockburn, B. (1989). You Tube. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from Bruce Cockburn - If a Tree Falls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CibAuvZM4
Dale, A. (2001). At The Edge: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century. Vancouver Canada: UBC Press.
Dialogue, A. (2007, July 20). Audience Dialogue. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from Know Your Audience: Chapter 10: In-depth interviewing: http://www.audiencedialogue.net/kya10.html
Dr. Seuss. (n.d.). Google Videos. Retrieved June 2010, from The Lorax: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6650219631867189375#
Ellis, C. (2004). The ethnographic I: a methodological novel about autoethnography. Oxford, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littleford Publishers Inc.
Enneagram Institute. (n.d.). Enneagram Institute. Retrieved May 2010 , from Audio of Type 7: http://www.enneagraminstitute.com/books/audio/audio.asp?audiofile=file7
International Panel on Climate Change. (2008, December). International Panel on Climate Change. Retrieved July 9, 2010, from Google Doc: Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_spm.pdf
Kingwell, M. (1998). Better Living: In pursuit of happiness from Plato to Prozac. Toronto, Canada: Penguin Group.
Lucas, K. (2009, January). You Tube. Retrieved July 2010, from KB4C Winter Promo Video - north of Regina 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkShocN3EmI
Mackenzie-Mohr, D., & Smith, W. (1999). Fostering Sustainable Behaviour: An Introduction to Community Based Social Marketing. Gabriola Island, Canada: New Society Publishers.
McKibben, B. (2007). Deep Economy - The wealth of communities and the durable future. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
Michel, D. (1999). Sweet Things. Feather, Fur and Fin . Ontario, Canada.
Monbiot, G. (2006, February 28). For the sake of the world's poor, we must keep the wealthy at home. The Guardian .
Monbiot, G. (2007). Heat: How to stop the planet from burning. South End Press.
Monbiot, G. (2007). You Tube. Retrieved July 2010, from George Monbiot speaks about air travel and love miles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbYsZFEYclM
Murray, L. (n.d.). Cinerbelde: Images of a World in Trouble. Retrieved July 9, 2010, from Wake Up, Freak Out - then Get a Grip: http://www.cinerebelde.org/wake-up-freak-out-then-get-a-grip-p-83.html
Napikoski, L. (2010). About.com. Retrieved July 11, 2010 , from Women's History: http://womenshistory.about.com/od/feminism/a/consciousness_raising.htm
New American Dream. (n.d.). New Dream. Retrieved July 2010, from New American Dream: http://www.newdream.org/
Penn Anthropology. (1999). University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved July 2010, from What is ethnography?: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/anthro/anthro/whatisethnography
Pink, D. (n.d.). You Tube. Retrieved May 2010, from RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc
Rice-Lively, M. L. (1995). UTexas. Retrieved July 2010, from The Ethnographic Research Cycle: http://www.gslis.utexas.edu/~marylynn/ethno.html
Routi, P. (2007, August 7). Uiah. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from Sampling: http://www.uiah.fi/projekti/metodi/152.htm
Sutter, G. (2005). Royal Sask Museum. Retrieved June 2010 , from Ecological Footprint Calculator: http://www.royalsaskmuseum.ca/gallery/life_sciences/footprint_mx_2005.swf
The Watchmen. Stereo. Silent Radar. EMI Music Canada.
Tuplin, A. (2010, Summer). Eat This. Adbusters .
Twain, S. (2002, November). Cowboy Lyrics. Retrieved June 2010, from Shania Twain: Ka-Ching Lyrics: http://www.cowboylyrics.com/lyrics/twain-shania/ka-ching-9391.html
Victor, P. (2009, June 3). Yahoo Video. Retrieved March 2010, from Peter Victor, York University: http://ca.video.yahoo.com/watch/5375621/14163313
Victor, P. (2009, June 3). Yahoo Video. Retrieved May 2010, from Peter Victor, York University: http://ca.video.yahoo.com/watch/5375621/14163313
Videography, G. B. (2009, Feb 20). The Clean Bin Project . Retrieved July 9, 2010, from The Clean Bin Project - Trailer: http://vimeo.com/3301133
Von Zielbauer, P. (2008). Roadmonkey: Adventure Philanthropy. Retrieved July 2010, from Roadmonkey: Adventure Philanthropy: http://roadmonkey.net/
Wackernagel, M., & Rees, W. (1996). Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing human impact on the earth. . Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.
Wikibooks. (2006, July 13). Wikibooks. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from Myers-Briggs Type Indicator/Intuitive: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator/Intuitive
You Tube (Marshmallow Study). (n.d.). You Tube. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from Oh, The Temptation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7LN96jEXHc
You Tube. (n.d.). You Tube. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from The Flintstones - Sweepstakes Ticket Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4HH7dQ9h-Y