Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The flying environmentalist...

As I get ready to embark on another adventure, to add to feeling like a spoiled rotten twirp or brat which I may very well be, as I do believe we live like kings and queens used to live, a friend basically called a spade a spade saying that I am basically a hypocrite.  He argued that travelling to Vietnam to do a couple weeks of philanthropy work was not enough that to really live my blog I should move to a beach somewhere and live without an environmental footprint, enjoying local food and a very small carbon diet in terms of transport, heating my home, etc etc.  Not buying stuff which aside for kites I don't...  So why don't I do that?  I have often thought about it, I have even written about it for a school assignment last year, why don't I do that?  I do love where I live, I love being blocks from my parents and grandparents, many friends, a short bike ride to work or really anywhere in the  city, connected to music and environmental and social communities in Regina, I feel so connected to this place and the idea of leaving, even to live the life of nomadic kiteboarder definitely scares me.  So I guess I will get on a plane on Saturday morning and set sail to North Carolina, kiteboarding mecca with a group of 60 or so semi crazy Canadian kiteboarders...

How do we become  so connected to place?  How to balance a connection to place with a wander lust, a sense of adventure and most importantly a long distance love...    Vancouver, nomadic kiteboarder, semi frequent flying environmentalist... not sure if the last one is really fair...  late night thoughts, go canucks go!

a great discussion on air travel can be heard by George Monbiot who believes that there really is no place for air travel if we want to truly slow/stop human caused climate change...